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Dec.2014 LauraHillenbrand FaceTheNation
ME+Unbroken Interview HERE -

Dec 2014 ~ "NIH"P2P4ME"

NIH="InsufficientResearch"=DUH !
Treatment= more"SELF Management"
DraftReport HERE
Nov.2014- "Plague"-Published !!
VOA-PodcastAudioInterview HERE
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Monday, September 20, 2010

#83~ DoD ~ Medical FY2011 Budget announced

For Immediate Release:       September 14, 2010
Contact:  Senate Appropriations Committee, (202) 224-7363

Summary: FY 2011 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill

Defense Health Programs ...............$31.5 billion

* Provides $595 million above the President’s budget request

* Provides $240 million for cancer research. 
        The total amount is distributed as follows:
            • $150 million for the Breast Cancer Research Program
            • $80 million for the Prostate Cancer Research Program
            • $10 million for the Ovarian Cancer Research Program

* Provides $60 million for the Peer Reviewed Psychological Health 

              and Traumatic Brain Injury Research Program

* Provides $50 million for a medical research fund (under this category)

            Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program.—The Committee has
        provided $50,000,000 for a Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program.
        The Committee directs the Secretary of Defense, in conjunction
        ...with the Service Surgeons General, to select medical research
        projects of clear scientific merit and direct relevance to military
        health. Research areas considered under this funding are restricted
        to: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, autism, blood cancer, 

        chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic migraine and post-traumatic headache,
        dental research, drug abuse, epidermolysis bullosa, epilepsy, 

        fragile x syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, interstitial cystitis, 
        kidney cancer, lupus, melanoma, mesothelioma, multiple sclerosis,
        neuroblastoma, neurofibromatosis, osteoporosis and related bone
        disease, Paget’s disease, pancreatitis, Parkinson’s, pediatric cancer,
        pheochromocytoma, polycystic kidney disease, post-traumatic osteoarthritis,
        scleroderma, social work research, tinnitus, tuberous sclerosis complex, 

        and vision research. 

The Committee emphasizes that the additional funding provided under the Peer Reviewed   Research Program shall be devoted only to the purposes listed above.

* Provides $8 million for the Peer Reviewed Gulf War Illness Research Program


Hello??? ~ and YOU might WONDER "WHY" 
we keep asking YOU to PLEASE write to your Senators ?? 
and your  Congressional House Reps to HELP us get more 

$1 of research money allotted per ME/CFS patient.. 

This is a downhill amount from last year where we had $3. 

PLEASE use the form on the Right of this blog and find out NOW who your Congressional Senator and House Rep. are  and PLEASE "Write them ASAP." 

And you wonder WHY we keep "begging" for funding for money for Private Research for places like WPI that actually CARE about us 
and have been working Hard to actually DO Research and Publish peer reviewed papers. LOOK what they have done in the last few years even BEFORE their building was finished and their doors had Opened... because They CARE ABOUT US.....

Let your Senator and Rep KNOW that you DO VOTE 
and this lack of Research in the face of the CDC "25 years of Cover-UP" and since they "Can't Detect Crap" STONGLY  Request that some Research money be given to places that actually are trying to Help the 4 million effected citizens that have suffered for WAY TOO LONG< and the 10 million that are walking around with probably tainted blood in light of the
XMRV/MRV recent papers and discovery.... 

$1 dollar per patient is an INSULT>>>>>>>>>> PERIOD !!!!!

Is THAT what YOUR Agony and Life are Worth ???

Addressing Members of Congress

To:     The Senate Appropriations Committee
          Senate Office Building
          United States Senate
          Washington, DC 20510

To Your Senator:

The Honorable (full name)
(Room #) (Name) Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator:
To Your Representative:
The Honorable (full name)
(Room #) (Name) House Office Building
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative:
The above addresses should be used in email messages, as well as those sent through the Postal Service.

 Finding Their Addresses

Senate and House of Representatives

U.S. Senators (web sites and mailing addresses)
To find your US Senator's contact info:

Write Your U.S. Representative (A service of the House that will assist you by identifying your Congressperson in the U.S. House of Representatives and providing contact information.

Here are some key things you should always and never do in writing to your elected representatives.
  1. Be courteous and respectful without "gushing."
  2. Clearly and simply state the purpose of your letter. If it's about a certain bill, identify it correctly. If you need help in finding the number of a bill, use the Thomas Legislative Information System.
  3. Say who you are. Anonymous letters go nowhere. Even in email, include your correct name, address, phone number and email address. If you don't include at least your name and address, you will not get a response.
  4. State any professional credentials or personal experience you may have, especially those pertaining to the subject of your letter.
  5. Keep your letter short -- one page is best.
  6. Use specific examples or evidence to support your position.
  7. State what it is you want done or recommend a course of action.
  8. Thank the member for taking the time to read your letter.
  1. Use vulgarity, profanity, or threats. The first two are just plain rude and the third one can get you a visit from the Secret Service. Simply stated, don't let your passion get in the way of making your point,
  2. Fail to include your name and address, even in email letters.
  3. Demand a response.
Identifying Legislation
Cite the legislation when writing to members of Congress:

OK, if YOU think you have suffering is worth MORE  than $1 of Research next year
Write TONIGHT... Write ASAP... 
Your Life is Depending on THIS Research....
If you do NOT Write than do NOT Complain...........Period.
Same as your Vote..........if you don't VOTE, ..........don't complain.

Use your VOICE and send them an email NOW
Let them KNOW you ARE paying attention....
and state what reasons and history you can in one page..
Mention the loss of taxes because we have been ignored and our inability to work even from home has caused this economy of 
this country we love and we NEED their Help...

Like Gerry McGuire said... "Help me, Help You."
Help us return to work so we CAN pay taxes...
Help us STOP this Crime to Humanity that has been 
ongoing for over 25 years.

OK> you just got Told YOUR Worth... Are you gonna sit there and Take it?
Act-UP and Write Back NOW......

OK, Now ** GO TEAM GO**

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