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Dec.2014 LauraHillenbrand FaceTheNation
ME+Unbroken Interview HERE -

Dec 2014 ~ "NIH"P2P4ME"

NIH="InsufficientResearch"=DUH !
Treatment= more"SELF Management"
DraftReport HERE
Nov.2014- "Plague"-Published !!
VOA-PodcastAudioInterview HERE
Amazon USA Link HERE

Thursday, January 14, 2010

#49~ Wake UP Kaiser, HMO's, AMA & medical schools

I am writing today's post because I just found out about something that
in light of recent medical news, events over the last 4 months, have been such a game-changer to 4 million Americans, and the 28 million worldwide and today I find out that KPMG aka Kaiser Permanente Medical  Group an HMO throught-out the USA is NOW in some of its facilities NOT going to be replacing the Rheumatologist/Infectious Disease MD's and is referring their ME/CFS patient back to their Primary Care MD's.

What the Heck is this ??? Going backwards in Medical Care?
SHAME on you Kaiser...   Henry J. would be ashamed of YOU..

NOW when ME/CFS patients are mostly likely being shown to have
a Retrovirus, you are dumping them  back on their GPs ???

Hope you have MANY hours of CME credits planned for them to
(continued medical education) take to come UP to speed and
Suddenly turned INTO RetroVirology Specialists ??
Wouldn't it be MORE Practical to have at least ONE Virology MD
on your Staff? Who treats your AIDS patients now ??? 

That's a Retrovirus also, in case you forgot...??? recently come to light, to the "public," but LONG-KNOWN by
the long suffering patients, the regular MDs that most of us have
learned to TRUST over the years have NEVER BEEN Educated about
ME/CFS and the Professors that try to educate the Medical Groups
around the country/world have been threatened with Termination and
others already have been.
Even future medical students have testified that they KNOW ME/CFS
is REAL yet they fear they will  not be properly educated about it and
will be threatened if they even discuss it as others in medical schools have been.

This info has been documented  and presented to the CFSAC meeting
(under the webcast LIVE and it has been backed up by other testimonies and the experiences of many patients because " your average Joe MD" has NOT been taught about this disease
and has been advised to pigeon-hole everyone with a "Psych label" and
told that it was "all in your head" when there IS actual clinical criteria
(SEE Dr Donnica's article below) and forms of testing that can PROVE
that this illness is REAL and yet Kaiser in this 21st Century, who pays for these TV commercials about how much they care about you ONLY cares about their bottom line..
Another example of a Health  Maintenance Org. that is ONLY
trying to maintain THEIR Financial health..not your physical/emotional

health ~ NOT yours...

"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) has received relatively little consideration since it was first described in 1988,  but the recent finding published in the prestigious journal Science showing an association between CFS and a retrovirus, XMRV has focused media and medical attention on this serious, devastating and debilitating neuro-immune condition.

While there are some people with CFS (PWC) who are able to continue
working and doing some of their activities of daily living, there are
many at the opposite end of the spectrum who are bed-ridden,
completely disabled, and can’t even get to the bathroom without assistance. While CFS doesn’t kill many people, it does take away their lives and, in many cases, their livelihood."

Excuse me, but because of the PTSD and many YEARS of Mental abuse 
perpetrated by the Medical Profession upon these victimized patients
trying to honestly get HELP and Medical CARE from their Dr's they are "suppose to  be able" to TRUST.. that have sold them down the river, caused their families YEARS of unnecessary mental and financial abuse, bankrupted families because of the Court Costs for parents of children with  ME/CFS having to PROVE that they are 
"fit parents" cuz the kids are too sick to attend school and the DSW
shows up at their door.... and MANY other abuses over the years..
I am sorry to say that there are MANY that havd died because of 
ME/CFS, just as we have had soldiers commit suicide from the PTSD from the sites of war...Well, many patients with ME/CFS have PTSD from
the years of Medical abuse and  I am sad to say that Suicide is a Sad but 
Often END to the Abuse and Pain.
Disagreements over how the condition is dealt with by health care systems has resulted in an expensive and prolonged conflict and the EARLYDeath of many patients...

(Dr. Donnica 12/02/2009 article)

KPMG this current plan on non-action on your behalf I fear is a step backwards for the medical profession and will cause patients to trust their Dr's even LESS... and show that YOU are NOT staying "current" with what is already known WorldWide and ignored by you like an
ostrich sticking your head in the ground to play ignorant & play Dumb ?
If you are Ignorant of This Game changing News.. Please avail yourself of the MANY places the info has been posted.. maybe
even watch the CFSAC Meeting ?May I suggest you WATCH BOTH Days?

Many ME/CFS patients would LOVE to be able to GO back to work  or work from home online and Have a Life again and even be able to Pay Taxes...Why are you NOT Helping this country by Helping it's citizens have better health care so we can work?

And SHAME on the AMA and whoever is  in charge of the Rules governing the Medical Education and Schools in thisCountry... You are definitely complicit in this cover-up and "intentional"lack of education and thus trauma you are and have been causing the millions of ME/CFS patients that you have been shoveling over to the Psych Dept when they have a VERY Real Biological Disease that is NOT "all in their head."

YOUR illusion that this will "go away" and that we will NOT stand UP to you and demand to be treated like HUMAN and not the mice that passed this retrovirus on proves it is all in YOUR Head... WAKE UP..

In fact, the Blood Supply of the Country and World needs to be screened just as it was for HIV and the Dr's on the  CFSAC Committee have even passed that VERY same Recommendation on to the Secretary of the HHS so we will NOT have another "an the band played on" situation like we did during the 1980's with HIV being passed on to many people
having transfusions...not to forget all of the organ and tissue transplants.

~ WAKE UP HHS Sec. Sebelius~
WAKE UP CDC & FDA~ WAKE UP MD's around the world~
WAKE UP Minister's of Health~

Ignorance we HAVE a Cure for.. but Stupidity we do NOT...
If you choose to NOT educate and teach about a subject, WHY should we TRUST you? Trust needs to be EARNED. You are currently Losing it....
SHOW us you have the Guts to Be Honorable and Live up to your
Hippocratic oath of "Do NO Harm."

I am asking everyone that is reading this to either write to their Congressional Reps, Ministers of Health, HMO's, Letters to their
Editor, anyone they can think of and MORE to bring this subject to the forefront.

How many poor patients of catastrophe's are going to receive transfusions w/o knowing if the blood they receive has  XMRV in it ?? that they might develop one of the MANY Neuro-immune diseases 
or Cancers that  is linked to..

Why do you think Michael Jackson had to HIDE the fact that he had 
Lupus and Vitiligo... because the  medical world had NOT done their 
part to learn and educate themselves and the public so that this GREAT
Star did not have to live the Life of a Recluse as do many of the patients
with other neuro-immune diseases.
WE understand the problems he HAD sleeping because we have them 
ALSO. We understand the Stigma the CDC and medical profession
had imposed on these patients...
Not to forget the PTSD they have inflicted on them by abusing their
Trust and sending them to Psych....SHAME on you.....
You have made their illness WORSE by your action/OR "Lack thereof" and you HAVE caused HARM.

Why wait for Big Pharma to invent a  med to treat EACH and every illness Choose to Back the Researchers that  are Helping to find the Cause and Cure these diseases... such as in the USA...  
the WPI in Reno, NV.

WRITE THOSE LETTERS...  Give to the Researchers...
Speak UP and Question.     It's YOUR Life.. Keep it ♥

Monday, January 11, 2010

#48~ Maybe I'll do a 3 day Medical Study & Publish it?

If psychiatrists can research retrovirology,
and publish medical research papers on 

the same Hey..maybe I can also?  

Heck, why don't we get
a few photographers in, a philosopher 

or two and make it a real party. Not to 
mention an astronomer, a comedian and 
an arborist to keep it balanced! 
Anyone else in?  Look how much 
"media" attention it would get! 
Aren't you TIRED of listening to False
BAD news every day? Let's go 
"on Strike" and only watch/read
from Now ON.. and "Most Importantly" 
Expose the Imposters & Scammers, OK?

Earlier this month that's exactly what
happened in the U.K. regarding a VERY
Important Medical Issue of 

World Importance.

As opposed to waiting for the REAL
Medical Researchers to complete a
REAL study that would replicate the
findings of a new Retrovirus that has
World Health implications...
...tiny minded folks in the pysch
community tried to whip out a
3 day study & write a paper...

When knowing that to do "REAL Research"
takes TIME and meticulous repetition of
not only the EXACT technique originally
used, but also looking for the same strain
of the retrovirus, and using a pool of
test subjects that have been
drawn from the SAME diagnostic criteria
as the original study was...
or else.. 

this Imposter is just THAT..
..and TOTAL SHAM and a disgrace out 

there to the REAL Psychiatrists that are
trying to do some REAL help for their

Especially, if the psychiatrist
that in this study has been previously
involved in muddy situations of possible
child/patient abuse in the past.

And SHAME on the Newspapers &
Magazines and ezines that have so quickly
"jumped onto" this story instead of doing
PROPER "Investigative Reporting."
Obviously, these issues are what we
call in the industry "rags" and not really
producers of Real NEWS, but rather
gossip and BS attention headline grabbing
garbage.... which result in articles that
match the quality of the 3 day study paper
they were "supposedly" reporting on..
aka "Garbage IN = Garbage OUT."

It's HARD enough to get the money
to get REAL Scientific Research funded..
We do NOT need to waste time nor money
for these sham studies or give them ANY
Credibility.... When you read an article,
read the "fine print" also... the details of
who was involved in the study, did they
use proper techniques and reputable
research partners and take the proper
amount of time and use the proper
controls of whom was involved in the
study ??

Just like everything else in life
"Caveat Emptor" = Buyer Beware.
BE an Informed Reader/Patient
/Traveler/ whatever the topic du jour.

My friend that was a reporter taught 

me WELL..
Just because something is in Print
does NOT mean that is it TRUE...
Just because you hear on the radio
doesn't mean it's TRUE...
Just because you read it on the
internet doesn't mean it's TRUE..
Seeing a pattern here?
You mean to tell me you believe every
stupid commercial and ad you read ??
I don't think so....
Unless you are a scammers Dream?

with THAT.. I will give you the Statement
provided from the Original researchers
that did the Original Study that also
collaborated with the Cleveland Clinic 

and the USA National Cancer Institute.

Official Statement from the 

Whittemore Peterson Institute 
Regarding UK Study

Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 1:00pm

Frankie Vigil
R&R Partners for
Whittemore Peterson Institute

Official Statement from the 

Whittemore Peterson Institute 
Regarding UK Study

The Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) 

has reviewed the paper entitled 
“Failure to Detect the Novel Retrovirus 
XMRV in Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome.” This study did not duplicate 

the rigorous scientific techniques used 
WPI, the National Cancer Institute and 
the Cleveland Clinic, therefore it cannot 
be considered a replication study nor can
the results claim to be anything other 
than a failure not just to detect XMRV, 
but also a failure to suggest 
meaningful results.

The scientific methods used by WPI are
very exact and require specific techniques
 to ensure accuracy. Differences in
techniques employed by Erlwein et al.
not only explain their failure to

replicate the WPI study, but also render 
the conclusions meaningless.
These differences include, but are
not limited to the following:

1) blood sample volumes and processing;
2) patient criteria/population differences;
3) number and type of tests done to assure
       accurate results, including white blood 

       cell culture;
4) use of a molecular plasmid control in water
       versus a positive blood sample; and
5) different primer sequences and 

       amplification protocol used to find 
       the virus, which were not 
       validated by a clinical control.

The WPI study was published after 

six months of rigorous review and three 
independent lab confirmations, proving 
that contamination had not taken place 
and that infectious XMRV was present in
67 percent of CFS patients diagnosed 
according to the Canadian and
Fukuda criteria

In contrast, this latest study
was published online after only three days
of review. Significant and critical questions
remain as to the status of patient samples
used in the UK study as those samples may
have been confused with fatigued psychiatric
patients, since the UK has relegated
“CFS” patients to psychiatric care and not
traditional medical practices.

“Little is known about the prevalence of
XMRV world-wide, much less the incidence
of XMRV in ME/CFS or prostate cancer”
emphasizes Dr. Judy Mikovits.
“WPI and its NCI collaborators are actively
engaged with international research teams
to investigate these important questions.”

WPI does not recommend the use of
anti-retroviral drugs that have yet to be
proven to be effective in treating XMRV
infection. However, several large
pharmaceutical companies have expressed
interest in developing anti-retroviral and
immune modulating drugs that will
effectively treat XMRV associated 


WPI looks forward to the results of other
scientific groups around the world, 

serious about replicating its scientific 
results, by using the same techniques as
WPI and its collaborators. The fact that 
XMRV was detected in 67 percent of the 
CFS samples in the U.S. study determined
a significant association between XMRV
and CFS, demanding a much more 

serious inquiry by responsible health 
agencies around the world as to the 
cause of this debilitating disease.


Whittemore Peterson Institute
The Whittemore Peterson Institute for
Neuro-Immune Disease exists to bring
discovery, knowledge, and effective 

treatments to patients with illnesses that
are caused by acquired dysregulation of 
the immune system and the nervous 
system, often results in lifelong disease
and disability. 

The WPI is the first institute in the world
dedicated to
X associated neuro-immune disease 

(XAND), and other X associated diseases,
integrating patient treatment, basic and
clinical research and medical education.

Wouldn't the world be in even a worse 

mess if all the people from different 
walks of life could do a 3 day Medical study
and then publish them as if they were 
Medical FACT, while trying to negate the 
work of the Real Scientific Researchers
that have devoted their lives to doing 
REAL WORK in any certain specific field
of Medical Research ?

Besides the Investor Scammers let's
start throwing a wider net and keep 
and eye Open for the Scammers in
other areas of life that are also
Important to us our Health !!!

Doesn't matter WHAT country or 
continent they are from... wrong is 

As one my old Favorite movies use to say:
"I'm MAD as Hell and I'm 
NOT going to take it any more."

Saturday, January 9, 2010

#47~ SHOW your Support- add a Twibbon 2 UR Avatar ♥

As my 1st project for the New Decade

I have created 2 Twibbons for you to

display on your Avatars to “SHOW”
your support- as actions
“speak louder than words.”

The purpose is not to look pretty but to
provide a "visual demonstration" of
Solidarity in our struggle to :

a) see ME/CFS recognized internationally as
a disease with a physiological pathology, and

b) to promote awareness of the need for
research and replication studies.

You can Add a Twibbon to your
Twitter and/or Facebook Avatar~
For Twitter just follow the directions
on the the page as is…

If you ONLY want the Twibbon
on your Facebook Avatar please
Follow the directions below:

#1) There are 2 sizes AND angles
       to choose from

#2) after you decide, then click
        the Facebook "tab"

#3) Sign-in to Facebook

#4) Deny permissions to allow
         them to share

#5) Preview and "move" your Ribbon
around on your avatar to where you want it,
remembering that when your avatar is “small”
as in “comments”...the edges will get cut off..
so center it a bit if you can , OK?

#6) Complete the process....Hopefully success!
Please Enjoy and PROUDLY Spread the Word!

Inspired by 2 ladies whose names start with "A"

Please "Share" this around, let US see a
few of you wearing it! and SEE some
Solidarity out there for
(for Right shoulder)
(for Left shoulder)

I will add these links on my Right Side column
also for those that might be wanting to
Access these later when this post is
Further down the “older post” section..
As I expect this Campaign to GO ON
Until we ARE Successful, capiche ??

We need to Saturate the Avatars all
Over Twitter/Facebook and all other
Social media with Avatars so people
Will eventually associate the Blue Ribbon
With ME/CFS/FM and XMRV as they
Do now the Pink Ribbon for breast cancer.

The “public” is a bit distracted right now
So it will take time and a LOT of
“ground-UP” work by us to INFORM
them ….via every means possible..
blogs, letters to your Gov’t Rep, to
your local newspaper, replying to
every news ezine that prints anything
that calls for us to INFORM them
“Correctly” of the TRUTH…
USE your Avatar EVERYWHERE...

Thanks for Jumping on Board this
PR wagon and SHOWING your support.
For your friends on other boards that
also use avatars and want to support us
you can send them the url for this blog
and they can access the links for the
Twibbons via this page …

I'm REALLY Getting Excited about ALL
of the New Activities as we Ramp UP
The Research and Get Ready for the
"2010 Awareness Day in May" this year..

So we are starting Early so everyone
Can be participating NOW and help
Spread the Word..

This is just the First step in our PR
Campaign Blitz, so jump on board NOW
So you don’t get “behind” and ride
This Info train with us this year
As we help spread the word about
Finding a “Cure 4 ME” and
Informing the World about XMRV.

56 Million hands clapping..
in Thanks...

If you have any other PR ideas
for this year's Campaign PLEASE
feel FREE to share them in the 
Comments section Below..OK?
Feedback is always appreciated
and encouraged...

** Gentle Hugs**