"Brave are simply those with the clearest vision before them and not withstanding the obstacles go FORWARD in the direct of their goal."
I have read numerous posts, comments, and now blogs that have disturbed me lately, yet a few had a grain of inspiration in them. I would like to cover a few topics in this post that have been brought up recently.
In the USA, the DHHS, NIH, CDC, and FDA have let us down as citizens for the past 25 years. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.
Let us take a lesson from the cyber generation that has emboldened the youth of the world that DEMANDED "Respect AND Accountability" from their Governments OR those NOT willing to be accountable MUST GO. PERIOD.
After watching the events in the Middle East during the last few weeks, it makes me even more committed to us working as a group of united individuals as strongly and constantly and persistently as we can, but to also stay non-violent in our verbage. I feel like we are also Egyptians/Libiyans that have been held in prison for 25+ years and are fighting against a dictator that rules our lives....
The Middle East is now venting 40 years of pent up emotions on many levels in many different areas of their Governments and they ARE getting results.. How many years have you had bottled up ? Do you NOT think that "Holding IN that Anger" has not hurt your health ? It is NOW Time to go "Beyond Coffee-Talk" and make sure our government agencies and individuals HEAR US LOUD AND CLEAR. But PLEASE ~ Speak from your Heart, let them know you are NOT going to take it any more, that they ARE and WILL be Held Accountable and do NOT Threaten anyone, whatever you do, OK ? Keep a copy of every thing you send so you have PROOF that you were NOT being threatening and were ONLY speaking from your heart. The Cancer INSIDE our Very own Health Agencies MUST STOP !!!
The Republicans want to save $100 Billion dollars, OK< just our ONE illness (ME/CFS) not even accounting for the costs of how XMRV is in reality undermining our immune systems and thus laying us OPEN and Vulnerable to MANY Diseases and Cancers, just like a house built on sand> like in Haiti does NOT Stand, We DEMAND our Government that has effectively DENIED us "Equal Health Representation" for the last 25 years NOW and IMMEDIATELY "WAKE UP" and acknowledge that their sleeping at the wheel has not only cost us 20+ years of our tax-paying lives, but is also NOW at this time costing OUR Economy $20 Billion a YEAR and "It is Now Time" for them to Validate this Pandemic and Stand UP to this and the other diseases in our complex and HELP US "RECLAIM OUR LIVES" so we can NOT ONLY "Have our Lives Back, but also become tax paying citizens again which will help the economy, Period." Their lack of accountability (please do NOT forget that Pres. Obama was the FIRST to add the cost of the 2 Bush wars INTO the Budget, previously they were NOT added.) Talk about previous lack of Transparent Accounting ??? If they had been Encouraging Proper Research on MANY Levels not just psychological we would be reaping the benefits of that research NOW instead of being further in the hole. Their FAILURE to do so is COSTING not only our lives but our economy.
I have always Voted for the issues and the person, NOT by any party... What is going on NOW is making me even more Happy that I have had this mindset, because NO one Party or even Patient Org. has ALL of the Answers.. We must BE "Informed Citizens AND Informed Patients" if we expect to STAND UP for OUR Rights on ALL Levels and Hold ALL of them Accountable. So that is why I feel I have the Right to mention any party or org in my blog because I will take the Best ideas of all and I will reject the bad Ideas from all... That is part of critical thinking.. Do not accept anything ANY Group says as Gospel and ingest it like pablum. Question EACH item and research it or as one of my grade school teachers once told me, " You do NOT need to know all of the answers and are not stupid because you do not know all of them, BUT, be sure to at least KNOW where to go to get them." THAT is the Strength AND Beauty of all of us Patients and Patient Advocates because we CAN help educate and Inform each other so that we CAN Speak with an Informed VOICE and Speak in LARGE Numbers.. WHO says AARP is the ONLY Loud Voice to be Heard in Wash. DC. We CAN be the same way if we mobilize our laptops and computers and our networks amongst us....
I also have been questioning why there is not a SEP or place where XMRV grants can be submitted to for approval. ME/CFS or whatever name you want to use aside, isn't XMRV already linked with prostate cancer and lymphomas also, with suggestions of a 25% link to Breast Cancer and a much larger link to Lyme ? Why is there not a place to study this new retrovirus ? Since there are so many of us are testing positive for it, maybe this should be one of the issues we jump on to and campaign about. just a thought..
All I know is that we MUST start getting more focused and pick out targets and then act up in as many legal ways as we can, and I know there are many ways we can do this. We just need to make sure that no one flies off the handle and starts using violent threatening verbage. They seem all too willing to throw the baby out with the bath water.
"Why Movements FAIL"
A dozen people complaining with a dozen people defending is not a “movement in a world wide forum." Perhaps ME/CFS has struggled because we are not as united as a community as we would like to think. Perhaps our elitist attitudes, our groupings, our unwillingness to co-operate and work together for the greater good keeps us from embracing “community.” If we are not willing to get the information out there, to work together, to involve everyone …. then factions who decide to play with us and destroy our hard work and thumb their noses at the reporting process succeed not because ME/CFS is such a failure … but because WE are. (1)
*YOU are as STRONG as YOUR WILL to be Heard.*
The DHHS, the NIH, the CDC and the FDA have been charged with caring and guarding the Health of the People of the USA and Preventing illnesses.
They ARE NOT doing that. They are and have been part of a GRAND Cover-up that includes inept sloppy redefining our illness so it does not even resemble our original illness, but also sloppy research that is trying to undermine now the 3rd Human Retrovirus that IS in ACTUALITY "In the USA Blood Supply. Period
Speaker of the House of Rep. Boehner claimed on 'Meet the Press', Sunday Feb 13th, 2011, that "he wants to hold his members to the HIGHEST STANDARD."
I respectfully say, Bull Poop, unless he ALSO acknowledges that he is PART of the Government NOW that is he is actually effectively NOT Representing the MILLIONS and their Families that have "Fallen Thru the Cracks" of this ineffective penny-wise and pound FOOLISH attitude to Health + Disease Research. Unless he is part of the Solution , He is INDEED PART of the Problem.
Trust me, if one of his family members had Cardiac Dystolic Dysfunction caused by ME, which was an opportunistic infection that they have because they were XMRV+ the Research would be ON THE SCHEDULE
Egypt went thru 30 years of being ignored by a Dictator with a Police State. We, those with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Known in the REST of the WORLD as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis), or Lyme, Atypical MS, Prostate Cancer, Lymphoma, HHSV-6, HHSV-7, Cytomeglovirus, have also tested Positive for many other tests, when our Dr's and coverage would even run the tests, such as abnormal Holter Monitor , VO2 MAX, Thyroiditis, EBV, Low Natural Killer Cell Function, Abnormal SPECT Scans, and NOW to make matter WORSE ~ MANY of us are testing POSITIVE for the 3rd Human Retrovirus called XMRV. (2)
There is no HISTORY of our disease besides CFS, that CDC or NIH has "EVER" been recognized. You can find a sentence stuck in here or there about M.E., but the SCIENTISTS and policymakers don't believe in it. Except, of course, for psychobabble. It's not just XMRV. We can't even get funding for HHV-6 either.
If you were Appalled at CROI Conference as Many of us were the please Help us and Demand "CROI-AIDS 2.0" aka for XMRV.
Do you REALLY think there is a Legit reason for them ignoring the 3rd Human Retrovirus, when the scientists are SO Scared that they are testing themselves for it ? Seems to me someone is working "awfully HARD" to cover up something here...
Conference Mission
"The mission of CROI is to provide a forum for basic scientists and clinicians to present, discuss, and critique their investigations into the biology and epidemiology of human retroviruses and the diseases they produce with the ultimate goal of translating laboratory and clinical research into progress against the AIDS epidemic. "
Dr. Jamie has already explained HOW all of this most likely happened...
The cat is clawing its way OUT of the Bag...
It's TIME for the NIH to "Get REAL" about this Retrovirus and Take it SERIOUSLY~
The CDC + UK MRC have a LOT to be worried about NOW...
XMRV and Family will NOT QUIT and Neither will WE or WPI.
The NIH State of Knowledge Conference meeting in April will show the colors of the NIH and then we will know where to expend our energies at that point. Here is the supposed agenda.
State of Knowledge Agenda
How it pans out will let us know where we stand.
Please do NOT Wait to start your Letters for the CFSAC..
Please start gathering your thoughts NOW, because by the time the SoK is finished we will either be Very Happy OR Very Angry... Either way we ill have, I promise you, expended a lot of adrenaline and energy and many will crash. The due dates for our CFSAC Letters will be published about the same time and if we are crashed we will NOT be able to think clearly.. so Start NOW, so you can already have MOST of your thoughts ON paper/computer and then they will just need last minute tweaking before you sent them in "in time." OK ?
For our one disease alone, that the government is ignoring and underfunding research, the numbers are getting staggering. In effect, we ARE Indeed the New form of "AIDS 2.0" patients ONLY we are in that phase where our Government HAS NOT BEEN WILLING to do the REAL "Quality-ERROR FREE Research" and collaborate with the Researchers that HAVE Excelled in this Research, such as not only their very own branches of the National Cancer Institute, NIH, FDA, and the Cleveland Clinic, and the private Whittemore Peterson Institute.
Many of us that had Wonderful lives before we were stuck down with these illnesses were living Happy lives, contributing to Society and many were Doctors and Teachers among other leaders and active honorable tax-paying citizens. Now not only have our LIves as we knew them been wiped out in heartbeat, but so have our careers and incomes and our abilities to pay taxes. HOWEVER, Try as they Might~ The days of ignoring us and trying to demean us and undermine our UNITY as MILLIONS of wronged citizens that have been FAILED by our country is coming to an end. We have WORTH. We DEMAND "Proper Representation."
Since the Governmental health Agencies have ignored all of the diseases that are showing up to have XMRV+ in common... will YOU or ANY Scientist PLEASE Tell me what other discovered Retroviruses have been shown to Cause HEALTH ? This is flatly absurd. The list of associated diseases is growing weekly.. as more studies are being done.. The diseases downline thru the familial family tree is growing exponentially. We now have people that are XMRV+ that have Prostate Cancer, ME/CFS, Lymphoma (from which my mother died), Autism, Atypical MS, Lyme Disease, and even Breast Cancer. How many more Diseases need to be linked and how many more bio-markers do we need to have for this Government to STOP abusing our Civil Rights and to DO Their Transparent DUTY by Funding STUDIES for this 3rd Human Retrovirus ? To date there are approximately 17 million ME/CFS patients worldwide and that is NOT by using the Reeves CFS definition. I can not even begin add up the numbers of citizens whose lives, jobs and quality of life are being effected by the other diseases already linked to XMRV.
We WILL ACT UP in our own ways, our version torn from the pages of the ACT UP History lessons ESPECIALLY as we have been using our INSIDE VOICES > "UNTIL NOW" as we have playing "sweet and nice" for 25+ years and it is getting us NO WHERE~ Enough is Enough. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. The Governmental agencies by their lack of integrity has left us NO CHOICE but to not only Speak UP for ourselves, but also for the Public Health that they are now and have been endangering.. AND FOR OUR CHILDREN AND FUTURE GENERATIONS, just as the HIV/AIDS activists did for us.
The Congress is worried about the deficit. I am worried we will not be ALIVE to be worried OR Fix the deficit.
The USA and UK Governmental Health Agencies, and the other countries that look at these two to follow, are undermining the Health of the Millions of Americans and citizens worldwide, and we are literally talking about it being the 3rd generation of these illnesses that is now mutating and causing even more new illnesses that will cause more grief, family destruction and economic hardship to the people and countries of the world.
It is TIME "Our Activism" GET SERIOUS ~
Gang of 25+ years> Take a fricken' lesson from the younger generation..
Younger generation> the Long Time holders of History of these sins of the past "CAN be Valuable Resources to you," Please --> TEACH THEM "How to Tweet" and use the newer Social Media, if they do not know HOW. Teach them How to do an online Fax.
Hello to those younger that are relatively NEW to This Cause > The bedridden Gang of 25+ years are the experienced folks that KNOW the History, but YOU still have the strength to HELP "Save YOUR Futures." We can work together.. We NEED to UNITE and form a Real COMMUNITY. Get your Families and Friends that Care involved NOW. The Gang of 25+ can do the CFSAC "call-in" testimonies, and YOU the younger generation are the ones that MUST attend the meetings IN PERSON for us and speak in Person, Hold the signs and wear the T-shirts. Stand UNITED Behind those that are speaking and REMAIN There.. As long as you are quiet and still, but SIMPLY within the camera view, you are not doing anything illegal and you have a Right to Show Support for those speaking for you. Learn from the Brave HIV/AIDS "ACT UP" generation and the citizens of Egypt that stood UP 'peacefully' to their 30 year Dictator with the Police and Military ready to END Their lives. How far do you think the CFSAC will go that far to Silence us ?
We will form our OWN "Tea Party" for the lack of a better name, and we WILL FIND a Better Name, trust me. Maybe the "XAND Tea Party" ~ taking suggestions.. Please....
I hereby SUGGEST that WE Design a FLAG to represent our XAND Cause, (for lack of a better name~ suggestions PLEASE) since it is not only a female or male or straight or gay or adult or child, but a HUMAN PANDEMIC that I feel we NEED a Flag so they will KNOW us by our Flag.. and then any individual or .org that believes in our cause when they are speaking about our illness, not necessarily FOR any of us, but expressing THEIR opinion about OUR illness and ANY injustices that need to be addressed or during any XAND ACTUP Actions anyone may display this flag... So Let's UNITE Behind a FLAG that will represent ALL of us.. with ALL of our Invisible Diseases that OUR Government has ignored like they did HIV/AIDS for the First 5 years until they Started ACTing UP !! anybody Game ? I would be willing to work with anyone to help create a Flag that we could them printout, maybe a few can sew a BIG ONE, make banners, what ever we can think of.. Put it on stationery, on our Faxes and emails as jpgs, etc.. Let's CREATE our OWN BRAND that can be used Worldwide, OK ? So ideas from around the world will be accepted. I want this Flag to be as well known as the Rainbow Gay Pride Flag, OK ? What can represent all ages, sexes and nationalities ??? Help me here Please..... I KNOW we have many Beautiful CREATIVE Brains out there... Some are good at letter writing and some are good at artistic things. Let's all work together to RAISE AWARENESS and use the Best of EVERY Person and .Org out there.. We will be dictated to by NO ONE, but we WILL UNITE to create the STRENGTH in NUMBERS as Individuals, across 3 generations around the world, that is needed to do things en masse "that will be required" to get this job done. If Not NOW, WHEN ?
I here by Put a Call OUT to all Tweeters and Facebook members to start making a List of All and Everyone to which we need to get our message. Whether they be a Political Person, a Celebrity that has Hollywood that has experienced the devastation of HIV/AIDS, or some PR folks, basically ANYONE in ANY walk of life that you feel could or may listen to anything we have to say~ even if we are just informing them.. Maybe along the way we might Find someone willing to Get some Extra PR that does not have a CAUSE yet to garner them more PR and we can find a WIN/WIN that would serve BOTH of us.. Then make a list of all the FB users that ALL of us need to Friend that are movers and shakers and Celebs that might need a CAUSE or that have sympathetic ear.. Every Celeb needs a Health CAUSE to get GOOD PR nowadays.. "it is the IN thing" ... Let US be the latest IN thing.. Help us CREATE a list. Then we can work on Tweet & Facebook Campaigns. Put all of your lists on an easy to create a blog and then send me the link in a comment here and then we can ALL disseminate the list for everyone to use.
I respectfully request everyone write a letter to the NIAID requesting "studies of XMRV+ patients"- NOW,
"NOT After" millions more have died and lives, families and economy are even in worse shape.
Here is a quote from their letter below:
"NIAID is soliciting input from the infectious diseases research community to help identify potential high priority research areas to be addressed by the NIAID Leadership Group for a Clinical Research Network on Infectious Diseases other than HIV....it should address high priority research areas that are opportunities not presently addressed by NIAID’s infectious diseases clinical research portfolio and that would be accelerated by a multi-site clinical trials network. Currently, NIAID supports a wide variety of infectious diseases clinical research activities in areas other than HIV." These activities are described on the NIAID website at the following link:
http://www.niaid.nih.gov/about/organization/dmid/clinical/ ;
a more detailed listing is available by request from DMID
(send email request to: NIAIDClinicalRFI@niaid.nih.gov )
Let's make the PROVE that they "support research in areas other than HIV and make them GET BUSY."
Topics they would like you to cover:
~high-priority research areas (e.g., pathogen, disease, syndrome) and rationale for their high priority
~examples of potential studies and intended populations within the research areas proposed.
Please mark responses with the above RFI identifier (NOT-AI-11-029) noted in the subject line.
Responses will be accepted through April 4, 2011. Please limit each response to two pages. " (3)
30 min talk by Dr. Eric Klein, & Robert Silverman MD. ~ Please watch and Listen (5)
*Eric Klein's speech in front of the president and secretary of state, regarding XMRV and prostate cancer. From Feb/March 2011, but a very compelling video, with many juicy quotes that can be used.
Snip-its from the above~
MORE XMRV evidence: "Only the 3rd Authentic retrovirus to cause infections in Humans." endQuote !!
"Viruses cause Cancers and Neurodegenative Diseases."
"XMRV= It turns ON a cellular oncogene" to cause Cancers !
"It is a Genuine INfectious Agent"
"XMRV CAN be transmitted by blood or transfusions"
"The research can not YET prove that XMRV causes cancers, but the Research CERTAINLY Points to that direction."
WHY are ME/CFS and XMRV still so Under Funded ?
According to the National Institutes of Health, ME/CFS is down for $5-million in 2011, and FMS is getting $12-million. Compare that to multiple sclerosis (MS) -- $144-million. Even Tourette syndrome research is better funded than ME/CFS. (4)
I would like to suggest that EVERYONE start composing their letters for their CFSAC Testimony NOW including a HUGE section about the CDC and their history of not only the insulting naming of our illness which is NOT accurate, in which they have over the years continually changed it to fit their whims without even giving due consideration to the REAL symptoms of our illness but simply broadening it to include simple depression which the chronically ill have, but is MOST DEFINITELY "NOT" a Cause of our illness and is not the MAIN VALID symptom of it either.... and was NOT there as a symptom when the illness started. Additionally, besides the current on-going scientific and court validated P.E.M. research that has been taking place at the Pacific Fatigue Lab, which is part of the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California, and whose own Chris Snell, PhD. is the current Chair of the CFSAC, we NOW have an additional study that has come to this conclusion. This MUST be acknowledged and recognized.
"The experiments reported here show that 25 minutes of moderate exercise generates large and rapid increases in gene expression in leukocytes of CFS patients but not in control subjects. Increases in mRNA were found for genes that can detect increases in muscle produced metabolites (ASIC3, P2X4, P2X5), genes that are essential for SNS processes (adrenergic α-2A, β-1, and β-2, as well as COMT), and immune function genes (IL10, and TLR4). These findings confirm previous hypotheses suggesting that alterations in all parts of the HPA axis may mediate and sustain the symptoms of CFS and FMS. These gene alterations suggest a potential role for alterations of peripheral sensory signaling in the symptoms of CFS, as has been proposed for FMS. They also suggest that a blood test could be devised as an objective biomarker for sensory muscle fatigue and muscle pain in CFS." (Complete link below) (6)
The CDC has NO Factual Legitimate REASON for excluding P.E.M. as one of the Hallmark Symptoms for CFS ANYMORE and according to this latest study also includes FMS. It is TIME for them to hereby QUIT their FALSE psychobabble because here are NOW Legit studies that this HAS testable legit biomedical markers and this pain and P.E.M. is indeed NOT "all in our heads" BUT in theirs, and furthermore GET will NOT help eliminate any of these symptoms, so get them OFF the dang website and suggested treatments because they will actually are hereby PROVEN to actually HARM US. And CBT is absolutely different than regular pain counseling or counseling to deal with ANY chronic illness that could leave ANYONE with a chronic illness depressed, but OUR ILLNESS is NOT Depression. If anything has caused ANY of us to be Doctors and Governmental Agencies that have taken our taxes for the many years we did work. They KNOW the new UK PACE Trial results are as our UK friends would say is a "bunch of bullocks." Those of us after many years already have cardiomyopathy from the dyastolic dysfunction that has resulted in OI/POTS and Hello ~ that is HEART DAMAGE and Exercise and Lack of oxygen to our brain and heat WILL KILL US ~ PERIOD.
I request that EVERYONE start making A LIST of companies that are advertising in ANY Online medical article in any publication ANYWHERE in the World that mis-speaks the TRUTH about our illness, will NOT correct the mis-naming of our illness, eg. like that ABC.go, the many UK articles, etc.. This MUST STOP, and their Advertisers MUST know that we will Boycott their product if they do NOT make the Publications they advertise in publish CORRECT Information. Editors are suppose to screen the info BEFORE these things are Published. Period. Let's gather the info: name of publication, date, incorrect info, make a screenshot of it, note the advertisers, and send them to me. We will in the meantime form a committee of folks that are good at letter writing and we can then start Petitions to these advertisers/publications with our request for their INFO to be retracted and corrected or we WILL Boycott their products and blog Around the world about not only the publication but also the advertisers that pays this publication. Most of these companies are Worldwide now so we can maybe have letter writers to create and speak to the specifics in each country so we have our facts CORRECT, but the campaign and boycott will be worldwide, OK ? Ideas to clarify this "Mis-Information Campaign" and it's strategies are also VERY Welcomed and desired.
We have just had a week of some great inspiring articles published that should give you all plenty of enthusiasm to help 'kick start' your letters and get your juices flowing.. Please USE that Positive Energy to start working on some of these ideas and gathering information and making notes for writing your letters not only to the NIAID, but for the soon needed CFSAC letters, OK ?I only mention this so we can start now getting organized and start planning our next CFSAC campaign which IMHO should be the CDC, since the CFSAC members want to target them this next meeting anyway. I know I need to start my testimony now, cuz after the SEP results and the NIH results, I will be so exhausted I will not be able to compose a cogent pointed argument for my CFSAC public comment.
Amy Dockser Marcus WSJ article
Leonard Jason's WSJ article
David Tuller's NYT's article
I hope you also WATCHED the video about Dr Bell's, Lyndonville kids, that 70% of which have already tested Positive 25 years later now XMRV+. Please WATCH this basically 4th study that validates the Original Science findings..
The video may disappear in the next day or two so Please watch NOW> OK?
AND get everyone you know that has NOT YET seen it to watch, Family AND Friends, OK ? http://online.wsj.com/video/rural-ny-town-becomes-chronic-fatigue-laboratory/D80B17A7-B6C5-4B33-8356-F92C8751A93F.html
CFS + Lyme : "spinal fluid"
Hemispherx Biopharma Announces 9th Clinical Investigators Conference: Ampligen Clinical Trials Highlighted
Conference Explores Potential Relationships Between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and a Novel Retrovirus
article link in full below (7)
We are also gearing up for all of our Annual May 12th International Awareness Day Campaigns that will include MANY different activities on all levels, something for everyone from Tweeters, letter writers, on location demonstrators in the USA and UK capitols and others around the World. Please gather ALL of the ideas you can make note of from the Forums and Facebook and email them to me so I can post about them and you can then know about everything that everyone else is hearing about, OK ? We want this one to be a BIG YEAR and we want them to HEAR Our OUTSIDE VOICES...
Send your emails to <mecfs may awareness month at gmail.com> OK ?
I will gather them and keep you informed of everything I receive, OK ?
We EACH will have our own little part to do "to pull off" this HUGE May 12th Awareness World wide EVENT, so let's Agree to AGREE to Help INFORM each other, OK ? I will NOT "Judge" the Pros or Cons of any planned Action.. I will simply report them to you and you can choose which one/ones you want to participate in, OK ?I would like to apologize for not blogging as much recently, but I have been reCouping from a really BAD Crash that also Flared EVERYTHING and it has taken me longer than usual to slowly regain some strength and any stamina. Sometimes trying to stay "on top" of everything ~ we that are 24+ yr XMRV+ ones tend to pay the price when we over-do our enthusiasm even when it is only from bed on a laptop.
Hope that you will ALL in the USA, except AZ +HI, remember to change you clocks this Sat. nite as Daylight Savings starts this weekend. Color me HAPPY. Maybe we can get outside and even just sit in the sun for 15 minutes a day and get some "natural" Vit. D that we all need SO much... Meanwhile, Please take care of yourselves and make notes when ever you feel a little moment of clear-headed Inspiration, OK ?
Happy Thought for the day: At least I don't have to fill my bed tank with gas/petrol at these prices~
♥Hugs♥ and love + kindness to you all...
whether you are still buried in snow, helping your neighbors after a flood, fire, earthquake or volcano, we send you love and Positive thoughts everywhere ♥
PS: Thought for the week~
"Brave are simply those with the clearest vision before them and not withstanding the obstacles go FORWARD in the direct of their goal."
(1) "Why Movements Fail"
(2) Mary Schweitzer's Blog~"Slightly Alive" re: Civil Rights from Today ~ Please READ:
(3) NIAID Announcement Please READ:
(6) "Moderate exercise increases expression for sensory, adrenergic and immune genes in chronic fatigue syndrome patients, but not in normal subjects"
(4) Underfunding of Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research
(5) Dr. Klein's talk ~ Enjoy !
(7) Hemispherx Biopharma Announces 9th Clinical Investigators Conference




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