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Dec.2014 LauraHillenbrand FaceTheNation
ME+Unbroken Interview HERE -

Dec 2014 ~ "NIH"P2P4ME"

NIH="InsufficientResearch"=DUH !
Treatment= more"SELF Management"
DraftReport HERE
Nov.2014- "Plague"-Published !!
VOA-PodcastAudioInterview HERE
Amazon USA Link HERE

Saturday, September 26, 2009

#5- Like I said, I've been diagnosed OUT of the system

In a message dated 9/23/2009 2:53:07 P.M. 

In response to a letter and e-mail that the National CFIDS Foundation  sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a call was  received from Sarah Wiley, the Associate Director of Policy at the center that  houses the CFS program.  The posting that had our name as one of the organizations that provided input into the CFS 5-Year Strategic Plan will be removed sometime today, she said..  

We also discussed that the CDC is not addressing Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and she understood that was "a bigger concern" and she hopes to address that eventually. 
(The CDC stated, in their "Overview of CFS" that neither CFIDS nor ME should be confused with ME and the National CFIDS Foundation is referring to ME with their name of CFIDS. Currently, it has no diagnostic code in the United States making the diagnosis of ME impossible in this country.)
For better health for all those with CFIDS/ME,

Gail Kansky
President, National CFIDS Foundation, Inc.
103 Aletha Rd.
Needham, MA 02492-3931

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