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Dec.2014 LauraHillenbrand FaceTheNation
ME+Unbroken Interview HERE -

Dec 2014 ~ "NIH"P2P4ME"

NIH="InsufficientResearch"=DUH !
Treatment= more"SELF Management"
DraftReport HERE
Nov.2014- "Plague"-Published !!
VOA-PodcastAudioInterview HERE
Amazon USA Link HERE

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

#33~ 10/09~CFSAC testimonies posted & MORE

Here's the page where the TEXT Pdf's of  
some of the Written Testimonies are starting
to show up...
Keep this page handy as I feel they will
ALL eventually show up HERE 
in pdf format..

Suggestion:  make yourself a CFSAC 
folder and add the pdf's there for 
future reference.. so we can "quote" 
them correctly, OK?

I would suggest you watch the video's
FIRST if you have that computer ability, 
mainly cuz you can catch all of the 
body language & verbal intonation with 
which the testimony was delivered, 
and then use the pdf to refer to 
the actual text.

At least it IS starting to show up for those
that don't have the video viewing capability...
Color me Happy about that ;-)

2009 CFSAC -Presentation testimonies

Also, because it at this time
we just had 5 of the members 

of the committee retire,
I thought it would be a good time to post
the "Charter" under which the CFSAC 
operates and the Rules it runs by and
Rules for replacing members/filling seats.

CFSAC Charter & Rules

Also, at this "Juncture in Time & our History"
I thought it would be interesting to
check out this link for yourself
and COPY the info in these links
so you can compare HOW they Change
over the next few years HOPEFULLY..

Below in this link are the MANY
Different Countries Definitions
of ME/CFS around the world.
Should be VERY Interesting as we
are Truly at a time where we will
be watching History being Made..

The many Definitions of ME/CFS

Our World will NOT be Flat for very
much longer. In the real span of time
altho politics colluded to conspire
quietly to keep us Invisible and
we have been treated with
by a blessed chosen few..
The News "heard 'round the world"
IS taking place..

Many of these Definitions MAY
be Changing soon.....

May those who keep track of these
events as they progress make SURE
you COPY the Important documents
on certain websites, in case they
suddenly disappear when some event
happens that might later cause certain
folks to file any charges for a
"class action case."

Copies of it just MIGHT be needed
and be sure to have the dates ON
each piece... make digital images of
the articles or evidence so you have
automatically and digital date for the file.

Do whatever you need to and can think of
to document every bit of evidence
not only for everyone, but especially
for your self if you still need to get an
Official Diagnosis and then need to go to
court to get whatever Disability or
Medical coverage or protect your Rights.

We will NEED to Document our
abuse/ill-treatment that has cause MORE
STRESS and hardship to us and our
families etc...

Gather ALL of this and if you ARE still
working, file your Claim for Disability 
Before you do anything silly 
like quit your job. Your odds of getting
BETTER results and Benefits will rely
on you doing this while you are

Benefit from those of us that did NOT
know this and have learned 
the Hard Way.

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