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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

#18~ XMRV~Dr Mikovits "suspects" it Causes ME/CFS

Howdy again,

Yup, you read the title correctly.
I located this article where Dr Mikovits
actually commented that she "suspects"


Kinda flies in the face of what
Dr Wessely has been saying for YEARS.
But then, you don't expect a surgeon to 
tell you NOT to Operate...
Don't expect a Psych to tell you it's
NOT all in your head...Duh...
Consider the Source of the Comment.

Hadn't seen this comment in Print
before by Dr Mikovits, so thought 
I should share it with you..

Time will only tell what the 
Reality is.. but I thought it was 
interesting that THIS is what she 
"suspects"...ya know?

Sometimes it pays to listen 
to the "gut feelings" of the  Researcher 
that HAS been working with it,
as opposed to those that ONLY
"talk about it"...
Reminds me of what another
Psych Dr Said.. He thought it was 
insane that they were the ONLY
part of the Medical Profession that
did NOT look at the organ they were treating.
Made sense to me... How about you?
Needless to say, he does SPECT scans
of the brain and that helps him with
his Diagnosis and Treatment plans.
What do these other jokers use?
Intuition or Voo-Doo?

I trust those that Question things..
and I prefer to be leery of those that 
do NO questioning of their own process
or don't do any Research or ONLY give
it lip service...

Is chronic fatigue linked to a cancer virus?

Forget the Editor's "Eye-grabbing" Title...
Did it shock you? Then They DID their job.
Just Read the Article...
You mean you've never watch Jay Leno's
"Headline" segment???

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